The Residence Program

Residence Program Instance
The Residence Program is a deeply immersive and reality-changing experience, created in the gold frequency, held in a beautiful and stress-free environment. You will fast track your ascension and awareness, healing from the inside out. You will understand the dance between shifting and transforming – mentally, spiritually, energetically and physically. An evolutionary path to fulfillment. This will affect both you and your work or business. You will be held and supported through all experiences and processes.
Experience Change
Participating in the Residence Program will be ascension through play – self-exploration and healing while in everyday living. You will be in the presence of Sananda (in her 9D and higher vibration) and her divine partner, Tony a Master Healer, for the duration of the program.
This “Red Velvet” experience and sharing of knowledge was only previously accessible to priests and royalty – you are being afforded an opportunity to experience this frequency of BEing and living, now.
You will be doing multi-dimensional work and be immersed into a deep level of open-hearted connection, living an authentic, conscious life – each day. You will be working from the frequency of infinite possibility, surrounding yourself with the beauty and desires that match your vibration, where miracles become part of everyday living.
The Residence Program is 5-days in duration.
We recommend you plan to arrive a day or two before the Residence Program begins so you can be fresh and relaxed for the start of the residency, and plan to stay at least one day after the program finishes to begin integrating your experience before traveling home.
Location and Environment
Sananda‘s chosen locations are guided by the energies of the area, the potential for portals or energy vortexes, the abundance of nature, and the overall energetic signature/vibration of the area.
The location will be Sedona, Arizona. Other locations are available upon request.
Each accommodation will be extremely comfortable and energetically selected to support your program on every level
Participants will have their own bedroom with private bathroom
High vibrational vegetarian meals will be organic as far as possible
Day excursions will be based on location – these will be to sacred sites in the area and high energy portals/vortexes that Sananda is guided to
What will transpire?
Nuanced, wisdom-based conversation
Deep healings and activations
Living in the unknown as a new state of being
Transformation of conditioning/programming and beliefs
Life force will be activated throughout you
Engaging with your future self
Seeing, knowing and understanding how your shifts/transformation affect your future living, and relationships with others
“Moving throughout the day in a present state of being” (our higher selves will connect …..)
Connect and engage with the soul of your business (if this is a focus or priority)
Intuitive guidance for new opportunities that are waiting to be birthed
Galactic and star family guidance
Becoming consciously aware of your environment and availability of energy codes (e.g. wealth)
Collapsing of timelines and quantum leaps in alignment with your Divine blueprint
Increase in your manifestation field
Shifting paradigms that impact your personality
Journalling and integration time
There will be weekly follow up/check in calls to continue your integration. These 30-min calls will be with Sananda and Tony for the 4-weeks following the Residence Program.
Longer-term shifts after the residency
Further clearing and clarity
Embracing the freedom of fully living an authentic life
Restoring of talents, abilities and powers from past incarnations
Raising of your vibration/frequency
Allowing yourself to own what is yours
Understanding and being accountable for the words, thoughts and manifestations you bring forward
Evolving and connecting with your ideal clients
Birthing of new opportunities and ideas
Energy Exchange
The program fee is fully inclusive of accommodation, all meals, day excursions, transportation/transfers to and from the airport/port
The 5-day program is a significant investment for your expansion and does run in the thousands of dollars. Payment plans are available
For further details please contact us here
Multi-person Offering
We are very excited to offer the Residence Program for small groups, whether that be for 2 people, a family or small team. The maximum number in a group would be 5 people
The multi-person Residence Program provides a unique dynamic within your group that would not be available with the individual Residence Program
For further details and pricing please contact us here
For those that the Residence Program resonates with and who are ready to change their reality and life experience now, please click on the Application button below and complete the form. Once received we will set up a call time to answer any further questions for you.
2 people
$12,500 per person
3 people
$10,500 per person
4 people
$9,000 per person
5 people
$10,000 per person
Please contact us at for further details and any questions you might have.