About Sananda

“Be the leader in your life.
“As an Ascended Master, I am here to facilitate and move individuals beyond what is currently capable within their realm of reality. I am here to shift and move you into the paradigm of living on the new Earth. You will receive an upleveling of your frequency to that of remembrance, gliding past old patterns and stories to embrace your desired reality and receive miracles of joy.

You chose to be here now, and you are from the future. I will reconnect you with all that is yours, introduce you to your future self, and establish the connection to your star family to propel you and your mission that you agreed to before you arrived.

Embrace the wisdom and knowledge you intuitively possess to live authentically where dreams come true, and no self-limiting boundaries exist.”

Sananda Kryst

Sananda Kryst’s soul mission here on Earth is to be a healer in every aspect of the word and dimensional phase of enlightenment. This includes the human form and that of the Earth and all its elements. This encompasses intuitive medical and cosmic healing, grid work, stargate creation and alignment, celestial and planetary restructuring, timeline collapsing, stellar abduction advocacy, and anything else that her guides or the Galactics ask.

Sananda’s work involves sacred healing, intuitive visionary business consulting and restructuring, and traversing cosmic gateways accelerating the remembrance of who you truly are and what you are here to accomplish.

Sananda is pioneering and evolving a new paradigm while working with high-frequency codes, crystalline light, template reality blueprints, and advanced fusion technology.

Sananda speaks unlimited light languages as a multi-channel (simultaneous languages and frequencies). She is here as a Communications Officer and Emissary for the Galactic Nation. Her work with the Galactics includes interpreting, speaking, writing, negotiating, and being an open-contact specialist. Sananda is also an Ambassador for the Pleiadians and Telos, and represents the Star Council and the Earth’s Pleiadian Council of Light.

Sananda embodies the Sananda Consciousness along with many other embodiments. Sananda means ascended one and is the ascended name of Yeshua (Jesus) embodying Christ Consciousness. She resides at 1000 on the Scale of Consciousness (David Hawkins), and her frequency places her in the physical realm with the vibration of an ascended master.

The most important thing that Sananda wants you to embrace is to:

Live from your HEART, and There is only LOVE.

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